Michelle Beber
Susan Shorter
- Angels, Angels, Everywhere is available at Amazon.
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- The book can also be purchased at Balboa Press.
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Product Details
- File Size: 5378 KB
- Print Length: 30 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publisher: Balboa Press (November 4, 2014)
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B00P95CV2Q
(from Amazon)
Angels have one job...
To love and care for all of us on Earth, especially children. Angels are always here for us.
All we need to do is ask them for help.
Angels want us to be happy and to know we are loved.
The author, Ms. Beber wrote a wonderful children's picture book. The illustrations by Susan Shorter are adorable and go right along with the story. They are very colorful.
The message in this book can give you comfort if you call on the Angels as they ask and they will be there. They are there all the time and all you need is to ask them. As children begin to grow and face life's travels, emotions are unavoidable. In the author's book, these young, delicate minds begin to realize there are higher powers that give them protection, encourage them and support them. It doesn't matter what ethnicity you are. We are all the same as far as the Angels are concerned. The color of our skin may be different, our language may be different, but the Angels see us as one. The author reminds us that we are never alone. This book gives the reader a heart warming, comforting message of hope. Little ones have their days when they feel sad. This book is a way for them to find comfort. It's a book that every child should have on their book shelf to reach out and let the Angels touch them.
I received a complimentary copy of ANGELS, ANGELS, EVERYWHERE from the author, Michelle Beber and Pump Up Your book Virtual Book Tours for my view of the book.
I would give this book 5 ANGELS.
Michelle Beber is certified as a spiritual teacher, archangel life coach, and angel intuitive, the latter certification from a renowned Hay House author and speaker. Michelle's mission is to teach, touch, and entertain readers with "stories from the angels."Michelle's life changed when she attended a spiritual retreat in 2008. There, she learned about repetitive number sequences known as "angel numbers." Having always been fascinated by things "beyond this world," she started researching everything she could about "angel numbers," which, of course, led her to discoveries about angels themselves.
Michelle read almost every "angel book" out there. Her voracious appetite for "all things angels" led her on a spiritual path that included attending annual spiritual conferences where she was told she was close to finding her life purpose (which she didn't take seriously at the time), that she was a "lightworker" working with Archangel Michael to "get a message out," and that she would help children (she took the last two very seriously).
Ever since she was a child, Michelle always loved to write, and as she went through her life without that creative outlet, she always felt like "something was missing." That "something" turned out to be angels! She feels very blessed and elated to be able to follow her passion and bring comfort and joy to children.
This is the first of three "angel books" in a series for children. This first book contains beautiful illustrations by Susan Shorter that brilliantly capture every emotion and truly bring Michelle's visions to life.
Michelle has other books and a blog in the works as well. Please visit her author page at www.facebook.com/pages/michellebeberauthor and her book page at www.facebook.com/pages/Angels-Angels-Everywhere-by-Michelle-Beber. She also has a Twitter page at @BeberMichelle. A website is being developed at www.michellebeber.com.
With love, light, and angel blessings to all of you!
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