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October 22, 2014


**This is a New Adult Romance with dark themes
intended for readers 18 and up**

4 stars
Unforgivably Broken banner

Pump Up Your Book is pleased to bring you Maegan Abels UNFORGIVABLY BROKEN virtual book tour September 22 – October 24!

Unforgivably Broken 2

Title: Unforgivably Broken
Author: Maegan Abel
Publisher: Forever Red Publishing
Pages: 225
Genre: New Adult
Format: Kindle
 PUYB Inside the Book
It took a near-tragedy for Zane and Lili to admit their feelings for one another. If they could survive that explosion, wading through the debris left behind should be a breeze, right?
Lili has spent years hiding from her past. Now, she’s being forced to admit her mistakes and make a decision. Can she conquer her demons head-on, or will she remain by Zane’s side while he fights his own?
Zane learned early in life that charm and deception are easier than hard truths. Sometimes, old habits die hard. When his past mistakes start making continuous reappearances, he is faced with some of the most crucial decisions he’s ever made.
When you have secrets, they can rip ragged holes in the ties that bind even the strongest relationships.
What do you do when you realize you’re unforgivably broken?

For More Information

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PUYB Meet the Author

Maegan AbelMaegan Abel was born and raised in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She went back to school her my late twenties and studied Stage Production Technology. She now work full-time in the alterations shop of a major department store and part-time backstage in the various theatres around the area. She has been an avid reader from a very young age and the top goal on her list of things to accomplish in life was to write and publish a book. During the summer of 2013, while working backstage on The Lion King, she read eleven books in four weeks. Maegan read her first New Adult book and was introduced to a genre that she felt she could totally relate to. The idea for Perfectly Broken and the character of Lili was born backstage during that time.


"A building gets torched. All that is left is ashes. I used to think that was true about everything--family, friends, feelings--but now I know that sometimes, if love proves real, and two people are meant to be together, nothing can keep them apart."
--The Crow

I just couldn't get enough of this book.  A wonderful story of two friends and the craziness that led them to the conclusion they loved each other. This is far from a simple little romance. The story has bits of fun, drama, love, darkness, pain and not knowing. There is plenty of craziness going on, just like real life.
We have Lily, who is a little, bitty thing but don't get her wrong, she's strong and humorous at the same time.  Zane is her roommate.  He loves his family and friends but he has something he can't get past.  They both have trouble forming relationships because of their past.  They both trust and are true to each other.
The author gives you the idea that something way bigger is lurking out there on the horizon.  All you can do is keep reading, and you will.  The characters that the author wrote in her book had the realistic traits that a person in the real world would have.I wish I had had the first book to read before this one.  This book , when you are finished, left you with wanting more and I hope there is more. Will either of them find that they are UNFORGIVABLY BROKEN?

I was given a complimentary copy of UNFORGIVABLY BROKEN from the author, Maegan Abel and Pump Up Your Book for my view of the book.  No other compensation took place.

I would give this book 4 STARS.

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