Her Red Corset (#142 Sexy Snax)
Vonna Harper
What happens when a modern woman enters what used to be a brothel and the past envelops her? A lot, all of it involving one masculine hunk.
The exotic room on the historic building’s second floor used to be a brothel, did it? At first Sheri Brooks is simply intrigued. Then she gives into the impulse to try on the mysterious red corset and the line between past and present blurs—all except for Gage DeStefano who is very much a modern man.
A man determined to see if Sheri is indeed a lady of the night. If she is, well, why not let her show him a few tricks of her trade. (Night Owl Reviews)
Under her "real" name, Vonna Harper has published more fiction than she can keep track of . These include category romances for the major players as well as the 'juicy' stuff. She also penned a series of well-received Native American historicals. One earned her finalist status in both the Women Writing the West Willa award and Pacific Northwest Booksellers Association. Before discovering romances, both erotic and otherwise, Vonna 'confessed' all kinds of nonsense for the confession magazines.
When asked about erotica research, she insists, "Of course I've time-traveled to the ancient Everglades, infiltrated bondage strongholds, done wilderness search and rescue, and spent a night trapped in a workout gym with Mr. Universe. How can I possibly write about something I haven't experienced?"
As for day jobs, "I've been a commercial pilot, brain surgeon, worked as a white-water river guide, bee keeper, snake charmer, and garbage collector."
I loved the way the author took us from the modern world back into time when there were brothels. We all remember hearing of and reading of the brothels that were on the second floor of an eating establishment, a saloon or a boarding house. That room or rooms where things went on between men and women that were in need of money, companionship or in need of that hot steamy sex. The author doesn't hold back and as you turn the pages, you can see it all, every little detail. That's how good the author's descriptions are. The author gives us Sherri Brookes who is every bit a modern day woman, but whens she steps into that room on the second floor of a historic building, she crosses that thin line between the past and present. She no longer is Sheri but Starr. The author gave such detailed descriptions that you can picture the room in your eyes, the enormous bed, the faded brocade wallpaper and the many tiny buttons on the front of the revealing red corset. Is the crossing of that line magic or just the need and want of a woman who gets caught up in the moment? She puts on the corset, the silk stockings and the garters and becomes a woman of the night, in control, at least she thought she was. Then enters Gage, but it isn't Gage after he passes through the doorway. He's Tex, the lonely cowboy in the tight jeans, the cowboy boots and the guns hung low on his hips. He wants to find out if she is really a lady of the night and what tricks she may know. He knows a few himself. So let the tricks begin and they do. The author didn't give just a sexy little fling of the imagination. That room was steaming hot and the tricks they knew were enough to make you get mighty warm as you read. The author didn't give you a read of just imagination and role playing. Starr and Tex were back in that brothel room, doing what they did well, oh so well! The past is encasing both of them. But what was this? High imaginations? Past emerged with the present by crossing that magical line? The author doesn't give you a western read of the saloon girls that took the cowboys upstairs. This is the present, or is it? Will Tex and Starr continue their tricks after this one encounter? Or will the past be put in the past and Gage and Sheri go back to work and this will be forgotten? Oh the tricks we play!
The author gives you the sex, the steam, the heat and even the need for companionship, to be held, if not for just a minute. I don't usually like reads like these, but this one will be read again. It's like none before. That exotic room on the second floor will remain forever, but will it be visited again in the same way?
I was given a copy of this book from the author and Night Owl Reviews and voluntarily decided to review it.
I would give this book 5 STARS.
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