Join Carole P. Roman when she blasts off to colonize the planet Mars. In the newest book of her informative series, learn about how life would be living on the Red Planet. Travel to Olympus Mons, the largest volcano in the solar system. Look into the sky and watch phobos and deimos, Marsh, Two Moons. Discover what you would wear and how the seasons change. See Mars through the eyes of an adventurous youngster like you and understand what life is like on a trip of a lifetime.
Vol 21
Carole P. Roman
Carole P. Roman is the award-winning author of the Captain No Beard
series. Both Captain No Beard-An Imaginary Tale of a Pirate's Life and
Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis have received the Kirkus Star
of Exceptional Merit. The first book in the series was named to Kirkus
Reviews Best 2012. Captain No Beard and the Aurora Borealis has been
named to Kirkus Reviews Best of 2015. Each book in the series has won
numerous awards including the NABE Pinnacle Award, IAN Award, Moonbeam
Award 2014, National Indie Excellence Award Finalist, Shelf Media
Outstanding Series Award, ForeWord Review Five Star and Finalist in the
Book of the Year, and Reader's Views Children's Book of the Year 2013.
She has now added Mars to her series and plans to visit the red planet
with her grandchildren. Roman is also the author of the award-winning
non-fiction culture series, If You Were Me and Lived in... that explores
customs and cultures around the world. She has co-authored a self help
book, Navigating Indieworld A Beginners Guide to Self-Publishing and
Marketing. She lives on Long Island with her husband and near her
children and grandchildren.
Mateya Arkova is a children's illustrator based in Bulgaria. Her illustrations take the readers in a funny cartoonish world with bright pastel colors and curvy lines leading to great adventures. Her favorite sources of inspiration are traveling the world and drawing its vivid colors.
What fun and how interesting it is for adults and little ones to travel to different worlds, that including planets. I know that I learned a lot through reading all of Ms. Roman's books. In this one I learned that a year on Mars last 1.88 Earth years and a day is a little more than 24 hours. I was amazed that after the sun burns off the frost in the morning, the humidity is 100% which meant lots of moisture and clouds. There are many things to learn along with new words. Those words have their pronunciation in parenthesis. Also there is a glossary of words at the end of the book. You are given wonderful illustrations that are colorful and go along with the story. You see children in space suits playing games. I learned that the two moons on Mars are named Deimos and Phobos, named after Greek gods. There is so much to learn in this book and it isn't just for children. Adults can always learn new things all the time. It's always interesting to learn of new places and their differences to our world. The Red Planet might be a real interesting place to live but I don't see that in the near future. It is nice to dream and imagine being there in an everyday setting.
This is another of Ms. Roman's books to put on the shelf to be read and re-read for a long time to come.
So grab a copy and find out what it would be like, If You Were Me and Lived on ....Mars!
I received a copy of this book from the author and voluntarily decided to review it.
I would give this book 5 STARS.
1 comment:
Thanks for a great review Gayle!!
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