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October 14, 2014

SPELLS by Gary L. Morton


SPELLS (Science Fiction)
Gary L. Morton
Product Details

(from Amazon)
 (83,500 words) The Spells is a sci-fi action novel. Detective Jack Michaels, accompanied by a fashion model, hunts for a missing teen girl in a case that explodes to mayhem, mutant gangsters and a freak doctor's mad plan for immortality.
  • File Size: 680 KB
  • Print Length: 218 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00N3D7N6K

AUTHOR:Gary L Morton Toronto horror, sci-fi writer.
I live in downtown Toronto.
At present, I have seven novels and five collections available online. They are horror and science fiction. Some of the books are also mystery and crime related as characters include a psychic detective in my vampire novel, and a future detective in some science fiction novelettes and novels.
Industry Publishing
Occupation writer
Location Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Introduction Fiction writer. Live in downtown Toronto.
Interests fiction, cats, horror, sci-fi
Favorite Books Horror, mystery and sci fi in general. I have read a lot of other stuff over the years.
You've been invited to a fancy ball but the only thing you have to wear is an orange wooly jumper. What shoes do you wear?  BLACK

Sci Fi is not exactly my forte but this was a little different than then ordinary Sci Fi.  This had the added punch of a thriller.  I found as I turned the pages, there was never a moment of boredom.  The book was well written and the descriptions were very good. I found the Chapter names quite fascinating. The Cabby, Cupid's Grotto, The Underground, Exiled and more.  As I read the book it became more of a detective instead of Sci Fi book to me.  That made me enjoy it more.  I believe the author used a lot of creative thought in this book.  I would suggest anyone who likes sci fi, detective stories will like this book.  Check out Mr. Morton's blog for more books that he's written.

I received a complimentary copy of THE SPELLS, Science Fiction from the the author, Gary L. Morton and Bostick Communications for this honest view of this book.  No other compensation took place.

I would give this book 4 STARS.


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