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August 22, 2014

The Buried Children by Daniel Farcas

Product Details

Daniel Farcas

Book Description


This true story is the journal of an orphan child born in Romania in 1980's during Nicolae Ceausescu communist regime, Daniel becomes a homeless child on Bucharest streets and in the city underground sewers after he runs away from the orphanage and lives through the 1989 Anticommunism Revolution.
Daniel ends up running from the Romanian Secret Service and police that want him dead and he manages to fly to U.S. using someone else passport help by Mariana, an American girl that falls in love with him while in a Humanitarian Mission in Bucharest.
There are other stories tangled in the novel, an adopted child, a child reunited with his father and a child killing his father and grandfather who abandon him.

  • File Size: 446 KB
  • Print Length: 152 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
  • Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
  • Language: English
  • ASIN: B00MBU7I66

To start with, I feel that the book needs a good editor.  The writing leaves the book rather hard to read. The book is a sad book, but sometimes life is sad.  He writes of the effort to increase Romania's population.  Nicolae Ceausescu, communist dictator added Decree 770 in 1967 that made it a crime to have an abortion or use contraception.  So many children, not wanted by their parents were abandoned and put in state run orphanages.  That was as bad as being abandoned since they were abused and severely neglected.  Later those children become Bucharest's homeless.
THE BURIED CHILDREN is a very dear story of an autobiography of Daniel Farcas. Daniel Farcas was one of those unwanted homeless  children who lived with children who had no names except what other children called them. He escaped the cellar he lived in and went to the streets getting to know the older homeless.  I have to say that this book is not for the weak of heart.  Taking an unwanted child, because of a law preventing contraception or abortion, and leaving them to scrounge on their own.  The author tells of living through the Ceausescu regime,  the Anticommunist Revolution of 1989, meeting a young American girl who helps him go to the U.S.  He eventually finds himself. He made a wonderful statement of failing and keep on trying until things get better.  The book is extremely emotional. Hopefully the book will be read and looked at, realizing that this author is not very familiar with the English language.  The book gives you the flavor of the Romanian speech. As I said before, the book is very sad.  I believe the author felt it important to get this message out, instead of how the reader felt about commas and misspells.  I would suggest this book to anyone who wants to read an autobiography of a young child that had been abandoned and found his way to a new life, regardless of the writing errors. I wasn't offended by the email asking for a review.  I get them all the time. If a person doesn't want to review the book, they don't have to.  It's their choice. I'm glad to give my opinion if it can help an author sell another book, or keep someone from buying a book that they won't like.
I was given a complimentary copy of THE BURIED CHILDREN from the author Daniel Farcas for my view of the book.  No other compensation took place.

I would give this book 4 STARS.

 All the money earned from this book go to our children's organization in Morgantown, WV


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