by Lucy Rivas Enriquez
Like many women, Lucy wanted to be a mom. She prayed for a child to bless her home—and then discovered that God had a very special plan for her. On a bright August day, DJ came into Lucy’s life, making her dream of motherhood come true.
DJ’s Lullaby is a beautifully illustrated bedtime story and lullaby—a song of love from mother to child—written to celebrate the many wonderful aspects of adoption. Because every child is a gift from God. And every child is perfect for every mom who loves them.
The author Ms. Enriquez wrote a children's book with an overall theme, a mother's love. Anyone who is a mom, is going to be a mom, or even knows a mom can thoroughly enjoy this book. The author brings up adoption and how families can grow through adoption. Ms. Enriquez is providing some tools for bringing up the conversation of how parents love their adopted children. They re no different than blood born. The book carries a theme of God's plan and the faith and trust in his plan. I liked this book because it starts children out at an early age to learn what adoption is and that it makes no difference to the people who love them. this book is the debut book for the author and she is currently working on some other books. Her books have themes about children in foster care or adopted children and their struggles. The author not only penned a wonderful children's bock but she has partnered with the Dave Thomas Foundation for Adoption. They work to find "forever families"for youth in foster care. The author donates her proceeds to help children in her area get matched with "forever families". This is one children's book that should be read to or by families and the little ones. Even if adoption is not involved, it will show children that adopted kids are no different than anyone else. You'll have a good feeling when you buy and read this book.
Thank you Ms. Enriquez for a wonderful children's book and for working with the Dave Thomas Foundation.
I give this book a solid FIVE STARS and a big HIGH FIVE.
I received a complimentary coy of DJ'S LULLABY A Mother's Love Song by the author Lucy Rivas Enriquez for this unbiased review.

Lucy Rivas Enriquez is a businesswoman who has worked in the field of human resources for more than 17 years. In that time she has learned a thing or two about people, diversity, and the human condition. Writing has always been a part of her life and now she weaves real-life experiences and lessons about diversity, acceptance, adoption and people into her children’s books.
In her debut book, DJ’s Lullaby, Lucy shares the bedtime story she created when DJ joined her family. It is a heartwarming story of love for her adopted son. Lucy and her husband became foster parents when they learned there was a baby coming into the world who might need a home. They welcomed baby DJ into their lives when he was 10 days old. One year later, DJ’s two older sisters joined him. Today, Lucy, her husband, and three (now) adopted children live in Illinois, where running around, being silly, and singing songs are an important part of daily life.
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