A Wrangler's Creek Novel
Delores Fossen
- Number: B0746M5GVJ
- Release: February 1, 2018
- Author: Delores Fossen
- Availability: E-Book
- Genre: Romance
- Tags: * Contemporary, Western
- Publisher: HQN Books

What more could you want than a sexy hunk of a cowboy and a woman that isn't afraid to be as strong as he is.? Take those two and add in a bit of romance and you've got a darn good read. You not only get that but you get so much more, friends, family, once lover, babies and more. It will having you smile, love the characters and feel like they are friends. It's about making choices and overcoming mistakes of the past. The author shows how it only takes one choice, one night and the guilt could over ride your emotions. Was it passion or lust that sent them on that guilt trip?Sometimes during the story your heart will want to break, at others you will find yourself smiling and just knowing things will work out. We get characters that when they were young they were stupid and let their mouths get away from them without thinking. Haven't we all done that? It makes you think how you can't go back and re-do and take back the things you say and do. The author gives you romance, the wonderful second chances, a bit of suspense and mystery and of course, that hunk of a cowboy. How could you resist reading about this story of second chances?
I received a copy of this book from Night Owl Reviews and was under no obligation to review it.
I would give this book 4 STARS.
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