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December 12, 2016

CAMPAIGN: The Skeleton Code


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A Review Campaign

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Inside the Book:

Author: Ken Massey & Ally Campanella
Publisher: Morgan James
Pages: 205
Genre: Self-Help/Satire

THE SKELETON CODE: A Satirical Guide to Secret Keeping by Alla Campanella and Ken Massey (Morgan James Publishing; November 1, 2016) may poke fun at the many outrageous ways people think they are hiding shameful secrets, “but the reality of hiding or denying the darker aspects of life is far from humorous,” says co-author Ken Massey. THE SKELETON CODE is a satirical and humorous look at the many ways we protect our public personas by closeting our personal secrets. The satire helps us wade into the dark and difficult waters of that famous river called Denial.
Skeletons are secrets from the past or present that haunt a person’s happiness. In THE SKELETON CODE, the authors reveal true stories that have haunted people for years. The secrets they share are closeted confidences that represent thoughts, feelings, and actions that, if discovered, would be very embarrassing or problematic to relationships or reputations.
THE SKELETON CODE reveals why we keep secrets, how this covert lifestyle affects our relationships, and the different types of secrets we keep, including:
  • The “secret” secret, which is the worst secret of all.
  • The two secrets you never want to keep from people you love or from yourself.”
  • The truth about transparency and why it’s a powerful path to personal freedom
In the first part of THE SKELETON CODE, which is stinging satire, the authors provide strategies that have protected politicians and socialites alike. THE SKELETON CODE, interviews with real people whose names have been changed reveal how keeping skeletons in the closet ruined relationships and derailed lives. You can use the facetious strategies of THE SKELETON CODE and maximize a self-deluding way of life.
Or you can discover the The Skeleton Cure and imagine not having to keep up appearances at work, being completely relaxed around your family and friends, not having to remember your cover-ups, deceptions, exaggerations, or excuses.
“Imagine loving and accepting the real you, including your weaknesses,” say Alla and Ken. “Imagine the friendship of others who actually know you and maybe even like you because you’re ‘flawed’ like them.” Alla and Ken want you to know that this freedom is better than you can imagine and hope you will look into this mirror and discover The Skeleton Cure, which is a life of deeper self-honesty and transparency.

About the Authors

Alla CampanellaAlla Campanella and Ken Massey are building a closet-free marriage that can survive writing a book together. After traveling throughout the world, Alla Campanella has lived in the US since 1992. A longtime student of the arts and humanities, she enjoys her work as an artist and photographer. Alla was inspired to write this book because she heard so many personal and painful secrets from her clients about their failures and foibles and wanted them to face these realities rather than hide from them.
Ken is a public speaker, writer, humorist and minister enjoying the second and truer half of life. He holds two graduate theological degrees and is trained as a life coach, conflict manager and transition specialist. He enjoys laughter, golf, and traveling, but finds his greatest fulfillment helping other people discover their true value as human beings. Ken is a native Texan who loves the beauty and the people of North Carolina, where he and Alla reside.



We all have deep secrets that we try to keep hidden.   Sometimes we will do most anything so people don't find out what we are hiding.   The book contains a definite message. The first part of the book has some interviews with real people (names changed) and their stories of how keeping those secrets hidden have ruined relationships and changed their lives, not for the good.  When we are hiding something, we are always on edge, afraid that someone will find out.   We watch what we say and what we do at times, just out of fear.  We keep honesty at bay, afraid if we're hones the secret will slip out.  When you have secrets that you're afraid will slip out, you can't be happy.  Life's too short to go around unhappy all the time.   What does it take to let go? I believe first off, you have to accept those secrets, accept your possible failures.  Everybody fails at one time or another. Everybody has imperfections. We may not like it but it's a fact.  Another thing, you have to learn to love yourself, flaws and imperfections set aside. How do you go about being honest to people when you're afraid they will judge you?
The authors take the different ways people try to keep their secrets hidden and show the humor in it, and if you think about it, sometimes it is pretty funny what you'll do to keep others from knowing. The authors tell how to to let your secrets out, not be afraid, just be honest.  Now I find that something I've always known, but it's easier said than done.
The book has a lot of humor in it and some I've heard in passing before.
I'm sure the book helps you get started but I feel it's really up to you and how much those secrets have a hold on you. The authors offer ways to help release the past, get rid of those hidden enemies that keep you from happiness and truthfulness.So take those hidden skeletons and work out the skeleton code to find the skeleton cure.  IT may change your whole life.   I was impressed that the publisher, Morgan James, takes a percentage of the book sales as long as the book is on the market and donates to Habitat For Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg.   Worthy cause!

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the authors and Pump Up  Your Book  and voluntarily decided to review it.

I would give this book 4 STARS.


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