Tell of my Kingdom's Glory
Book One
Sonya Contreras
Take a trip back to 2450 B.C., to where Pharaoh is god....in the Old Kingdom of Egypt, then Israel's God arrives.
See how God changes all people: some for the better, some not. No one stays the same. How will God change you.. Are you able to trust a God who destroyed an entire nation? Is that the kind of friend you want?
AUTHOR Growing up with five sisters, Sonya Contreras asked God many questions, even when she did not like His answers. Graduating from Cedarville University and Institute for Creation Research with a Masters Degree in Science Education did not stop her questions. Marrying her best friend and homeschooling their eight sons, she found that dreams do come true, in spite of unanswered questions. Trusting God, Who knows all answers, she shares questions that matter weekly at sonyacontreras.com.
TIME: 2450 B.C.
PLACE:Old Kingdom of Egypt
This is a love story between God and His people. God brings the people to him as he gets them ready to leave and escape slavery. But, before they leave, possession of His people is fought between God and Pharaoh. The world's eyes are on God as he frees His people from the bonds of Egypt. He touches many lives.Pharaoh is challenged when Israel's God arrives. He has great power. The people have to change, but some won't and they pay the price. Others do change. This book will show the reader that there is one true God. The book was a fictional account of very real history.The author wrote an interesting book but it rather drug me down with the fact of going over and over the same things. I'm sure a great deal of research went into this book. I just couldn't connect with the characters. They just didn't seem real. They were rather stiff. Everyone has their own opinion so read the book and gather your own opinion.
I would give this book 3 STARS.
I was given a complimentary copy of UNTIL MY NAME IS KNOWN from the author, Sonya Contreras and Litfuse Publicity for my view of the book.
- File Size: 781 KB
- Print Length: 279 pages
- Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
- Publisher: Bull Head Press; 1 edition (July 22, 2015)
- Publication Date: July 22, 2015
- Sold by: Amazon Digital Services, Inc.
- Language: English
- ASIN: B012DS1IS4
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