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March 19, 2014


Fury Triad Series
Book One

Candace's Book Blog Promotions
is excited to share the cover for THIS CRUMBLING PAGEANT, which is Volume One in the Fury Triad series by Patricia Burroughs. This is Epic Fantasy with romance and ya crossover appeal. The book is scheduled to release May 6, 2014 in Hardcover, Trade and Digital by Story Spring Publishing, LLC

About the Book:

Persephone Fury is the Dark daughter, the one they hide.

England, 1811. Few are aware of a hidden magical England, a people not ruled by poor mad George, but the dying King Pellinore of the House of Pendragon.

The Furys are known for their music, their magic, and their historic role as kingmakers. When Fury ambitions demand a political marriage, Persephone is drugged and presented to Society--

Only to be abducted from the man she loves by the man she loathes.

But devious and ruthless, Persephone must defy ancient prophecy, embrace her Dark magic, and seize her own fate.

Be swept away into the first book of a dark fantasy series combining swashbuckling adventure, heart-pounding romance, and plot-twisting suspense.


[Persephone Fury is the dark daughter, the one they hide from Society. But one night she is abducted and taken away to the
most dangerous parts of London. Fierce and clever, she is able to rescue herself, only to collapse before she gets home. Fortunately for her, Sir Robin Fitzwilliam finds her. Even more fortunately for her family’s reputation, he believes her to be the young boy she’s masquerading as.]
Why would a child be out alone in the middle of the night? 
Robin slid the slender youth’s body from the expensive saddle and staggered backward, not from the weight, for in truth,
 the boy weighed little, but from the reek of Shadows. It
 was a miracle the gelding hadn’t tossed the stripling
 to rid himself of the Darkness on its back.He eased the boy
 onto the ground.  The boy’s body was limp and his skin was
 hot and damp with sweat. Robin fumbled with the boy’s 
heavy jacket and grabbed the lapels to yank it open.
 Thin fingers closed around his wrists. With a snarl,
 the boy heaved himself up and delivered a smart punch
 to Robin’s jaw, knocking him back on his heels in shock.
“Don’t touch me!” the boy rasped fiercely.
“You’re overheated. Let’s get that coat off—”
Two sharp-knuckled fists smacked into him at the same
 time, leaving both his cheeks stinging.
“Keep your hands off my coat!” The boy scrambled to his 
feet and leapt against the horse, attempting to mount.
“Gods damn it,” Robin spat, “you’re drowning in Shadows,
 boy, we need to—”
A foot caught him in the chest and he staggered back, then 
hurled himself forward, grabbed the boy by the collar, 
and yanked.
They both fell tumbling into the dirt. “You’d best pray it’s 
the Darkness that has driven you mad, boy, because if it’s
not, you’ll pay for these bruises with some of your own!” 
He pinned the boy to the ground with one hand braced 
on a shoulder and continued, “I’m not going to hurt you. 
Just calm down and let’s see if we can relieve you.”
The boy relaxed, calming except for his heaving chest 
as he fought for air.
Robin’s mind raced through his options, coming up blank.
“Cat-mint...” the boy muttered. “Tincture of angelica.
Blue chalcedony, jet, bronzite, amber—do you have any 
 on you?”
“No,” Robin said, surprised.
     The boy moaned.
    “Trifolium, then...” The boy’s head fell back into the dirt.
“Trifolium. I don’t know.”
Clover,” the boy ordered, scorn dripping from his voice.
 “I’m speaking of clover.”
Robin paced along the road looking for a clump of clover,
unsure whether to laugh or snarl. 
“Do you at least know your Greek sigils?” the boy 
muttered  weakly. The banishing sigil performed with 
clover...”I know sigils,” Robin said, amending silently,
 if I can remember the Greek ones from the schoolroom. 
 If he got the scamp past this spell of poisoning,he was 
going to thrash him.
“How long has it been since you were cleansed?”
Impertinent little brat. “My soul is not overburdened.”
“You evaded my question, which is answer enough, may the 
gods deliver me,” the boy retorted with equal venom.
At the moment, Robin just needed to come up with an 
acceptable prayer. He held his hands over the boy’s body 
and called, “Away, away, from your feet and from all 
your limbs...erm... Shadows and every muscular pain!” 
he finished with a wince.
“Did you just use the prayer to rid me of gout?”
 the boy asked incredulously. “I said Shadows,”
Robin muttered. 
The boy let out a disgusted sigh. 


About the Author:

Award-winning screenwriter and best selling novelist Patricia Burroughs loves dogs, books, movies, and football. A lifelong Anglophile, she treasures her frequent travels in the British Isles researching The Fury Triad, the epic fantasy that has taken over her life and heart. She and her high school sweetheart husband are living happily ever after in their hometown of Dallas, Texas.

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**NOTE: Content for Upper YA


As soon as I opened the book, I felt that I was entering an adventure into a fantasy that has a dark plot.  My heart was pounding with suspense and of course the romance. I hope there will be more about Persephone Fury. She is the daughter who is the dark one that they hide.

Setting: England, 1809.  London is the place for the high Society to gather for the new social season. Unknown to the high Society there is an England that exists, hidden and magical.
 The temples to the old gods, are the Magi cathedrals.    The throne is held by King Pellinore who is not well.  But that doesn't lessen the deadly wars between him and mad George. 
Beautiful music, unusual powerful magic and their role as kingmakers.  This was the historic role of the Furys. Shadow magic fills the daughter.  The problem is, it isn't kept in line.  This was extremely dangerous.  She must hide her powers or Society will ban her. Her powers will  cause her to be used and abused because of her magic.  She must get her powers under control.
A marriage for this poor daughter may help solve the problem. Her world suddenly comes apart. crumbling at her feet as she is kidnapped from the man she loves.  What will happen to her, Especially since she is kidnapped by the man she can't stand.
Will she ever be free and back with the man she loves?  Will she learn to use her powers in the right way instead of letting them go without control.?
Persephone is evil, but clever.  Once she learns the truth she has to make some awful decisions.          This is a case of


The author did a wonderful job of describing the characters.  I was especially amazed about Persephone.  You could see and feel the darkness and evil surrounding her.  Wonderful descriptions. The book grabs you from page one and holds tight.  I'm not usually fond of these type of books but this way a good read.  You become a part of their world.  I feel that whenever an author can make o\\you feel part of the world of t he characters, it's a good book.  On that note, grab a copy and before you read it, check out the cover.  It is so intense and yet so beautiful.  It is eye catching.   I would recommend this book to anyone, but the upper YA would probably enjoy it a little more.

I was given a complimentary copy of This Crumbling Pageant by  Patricia Burroughs from Candace's Book Blog Promotions for my personal view.  No other compensation took place.

I would give this book 4 STARS.
Ninjastar Clip ArtNinjastar Clip ArtNinjastar Clip ArtNinjastar Clip Art
So when the last and dreadful hour
This crumbling pageant shall devour,
The trumpet shall be heard on high,
The dead shall live, the living die,
And music shall untune the sky.
John Dryden, 1687

Autographed Paperback ARC of  This Crumbling Pageant.
Open Worldwide!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


1 comment:

Candace said...

Thank you so much for sharing with your readers!