- Number: B01MXO0EY3
- Release: September 1, 2017
- Author: Rachael Johns
- Availability: E-Book
- Genre: Romance
- Tags: * Contemporary
- Publisher: MIRA
Rachael Johns is an English teacher by trade, a mum 24/7, a chronic arachnophobic, and a writer the rest of the time. She rarely sleeps and never irons. A lover of contemporary romance and women's fiction. She lives in Western Australia with her hyperactive husband, three mostly-gorgeous heroes-in-training, two fat cats, a cantankerous bird and a very badly behaved dog.
Rachael loves to hear from readers and can be contacted via her website – www.rachaeljohns.com, Facebook or Twitter.
Secrets, we all have them. Some should stay secret forever and others, well they need to come to light. We are give three misfit mothers, not your typical mothers at all and they were close, sharing all. At least they thought so.The author gives these three women real issues, issues that aren't easy to face. I liked the way the author had three women who were friends, trusted each other and shared everything with each other, but there's a flip side to that. When those long coveted secrets come out, there may be a price to be paid. The author wrote this book in rather a different way, Each chapter focused on one woman at a time and yet as the story goes on, the three women, Felicity, Emma and Neve and molded as one. The author gives characters you can relate to. You as the reader may have been in the same situation. This wasn't a romance book, which was refreshing. Yes there are bits and pieces of romance here and there but it isn't the focus of the book. As I read the book I found that my emotions were going all over the place, everything from happiness to sadness and even at times, anger. It was refreshing also to see how the three women supported each other. They were there during the hard and bad times and the good. They weren't fair weather friends at all. The secrets kept were kept between the women, not each individual woman but all three. The three reveal truths that have been kept hidden, some shocking but the three stood beside each other and those secrets were kept between them.
The author shows that although the outside looks good and that everything is alright behind that smile, that may not be the case inside. Every woman, no, everyone, needs someone that they can trust with those hidden secrets. Truly trust. The book was well written with characters that you felt you knew, that you would want as friends and secrets, oh those secrets that we all hold.
I received a copy of this book from the author and Night Owl Reviews and voluntarily decided to review it.
I would give this book 3.5 STARS.
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