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May 4, 2013

CHAOS THEORIES by Stephen H. Banks

                                                                 4 STARS          



CHAOS THEORIES BY STEPHEN H. BANKS                                                                    




OVERVIEW(from Amazon)

 One moment can change everything, forever.

For Jim Parish, that moment came on an ordinary morning like every other morning in a thoroughly ordinary existence, as he was walking to a bus stop on his way to a perfectly ordinary job. A splash from a passing car driving through a puddle soaked his trousers, stopping him in his tracks. He heard a scream from above and looked up.

A jumble of white and blue with flying black hair toppled out of a third floor window, followed by a horrified wail from the woman who lunged out and just missed brushing her fingers against the falling bundle, desperately clutching empty air and leaning out so far that she nearly fell herself. Jim watched with his mouth open; before he could assess the situation he instinctively put his arms out and, to his amazement, caught the child and pulled her safely to his chest.

That one moment in itself would have been enough to shake the foundation of any world, but this was no ordinary girl who had fallen into his life. A chaotic storm swirled around this tiny nucleus, pulling Jim into a highly improbable stream of seemingly random events. He would discover love and fear, hope and terrible loss, and learn the immutable lessons of probability mathematics. The chances of the socially awkward Jim Parish becoming involved with a beautiful PhD, an unusual pair of FBI agents, a mysterious government think-tank, and a vicious serial killer and might have seemed impossible; but as Jim learned, any event, however improbable, becomes a near certainty once it has actually occurred.



CHAOS THEORIES is a suspense thriller filled with non-stop suspense.  This novel is hard to put down.
CHAOS THEORIES deals with how the smallest action can impact systems in time. A major character, Allen Williams has a anger problem; although he tries to keep it in check and out of sight. He is a computer genius with an advanced degree. He marries a woman with mind gifts.  They have a daughter and she has the most potential of anyone ever born.  His behavior and his life are completely changed when he drinks a glass of water that has been polluted by chemicals..  He now is on a path of human destruction., The author, Mr. Banks is an incredible writer and storyteller..  He keeps the reader guessing about how the actions of the characters will affect the ending of the story. If you are offended by bad language, violence and cruel sex scenes, you may not want to read this.

I enjoyed this book which I feel the author put in so much of his knowledge so it was interesting by many. You get a guy who meets a girl and falls in love. Then there is a lesson in philosophy,and  a science fiction story,
The author is very  knowledgable about a lot of different issues, time travel, the minds of criminals, law enforcement and much more.  The only fault I found was a few editing errors.  This is a good book, well written with a knowledgable base and give you lots to think about.  In your next book buying trip, pick it up and enjoy.

I would give this book a 4 STARS.

I received a complimentary copy of CHAOS THEORIES from the author Stephen H. Banks for this unbiased review.


When Stephen Banks was in high school, his Career/Guidance counselor looked at his test scores and said "You could do anything." Without any clear direction, Stephen tried a little of everything instead. He majored in Theater at Bennington College for a year, dropped out, married his high school sweetheart, and started a family while bouncing around between jobs - electrician, auto mechanic, shipyard mechanic and retail manager. Eventually he started selling PC's, taught himself programming, and worked his way up to become CTO of several small companies. Stephen now works as an independent consultant and novelist. In his spare time, Stephen acts, directs and writes for a number of community theaters and independent film companies. He lives in Atlanta with his wife and two cats.

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